Integrated Wellness Group serves and celebrates the diversity of our community.
IWG clinicians are trained and specialize in mental health care for diverse communities.
The culture at IWG is to acknowledge and respect all races, religions, ethnicities, ability levels and educational backgrounds. Our clinicians create an environment of validation, encouragement and open space for healing. Our clients seek to become the best version of themselves through our supportive and therapeutic approach to treatment.

- Individual Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Couples Therapy
- Group therapy: covering specialized topics and populations

Populations served
- Uniquely abled

- Racial trauma
- Generalized trauma
- Depression and/or anxiety
- Attention problems
- Family conflict
- Grief and loss
- Life stressors
- Early childhood challenges and parenting support
Telehealth has become an essential service during the COVID pandemic in terms of convenience, safety and effectiveness. Video appointments are available for new and existing clients via Zoom after the appropriate intake forms have been completed and processed. Intake forms can be found here.
Steps to follow for telehealth appointments:
- Download Zoom cloud meeting on either your desktop or mobile device. (Please note that it is not necessary to create an account on Zoom in order to join the meeting);
- Once your meeting is confirmed, you will receive an email from your clinician an hour before your appointment, which will include the link to join your appointment.
- Click on the link at the scheduled time.
**Please note: It is mandatory that you have both audio and video on during your appointment.**
As the COVD-19 pandemic continues to evolve and present us with new developments, IWG remains committed to providing high quality services while balancing concern for the safety of clients, clinicians, and all staff. On a per case basis, we will begin to offer in-person therapy, combined with online sessions. Our staff will follow all state and federal guidelines in determining safety and frequency of in-person sessions. Clinicians will keep clients informed of available options throughout the therapeutic process.
In-Office Therapy
Please contact our office at 203-387-9400 to arrange an intake appointment to initiate our telehealth services.
To learn more about our virtual/telehealth services click here
Guidelines for in-office appointments:
- Arrive at your appointment promptly;
- Check in and complete necessary forms (an updated demographic form is required every 6 months (insurance, address, emergency contact information) ;
- Be seated and wait until the clinician calls you into their office;
- Your appointment will last 45-60 minutes;
- At the end of your appointment, your clinician will confirm your next appointment.
Racial Trauma Clinic
Many people of color experience racial trauma due to consistent exposure to racism or discrimination. This exposure can lead to feelings such as sadness, anxiety, worry, anger, frustration, hopelessness, and stress which may contribute to difficulties in relationships with friends and families, challenges on the job, and a general lack of mental wellness.
Urban Trauma and the effects of systemic racism can whether a person’s mental and emotional wellness. You can request a specialized urban trauma trained clinician that is uniquely qualified in understanding racialized trauma and empowering clients on their journey towards healing.
Your racial trauma healing starts TODAY!
We provide an affirming and safe space for our clients to heal. We have created a unique wellness environment that amplifies the voices of those who have been historically marginalized.
Who do you provide services to?
IWG currently offers telehealth services for couples, families, and children ages 8 and above. IWG also offers parenting sessions that include the parent/guardian, child, and the clinician. For younger clients, IWG offers play therapy for children ages 2-12.
Can you accommodate same day appointments or walk-in referrals?
IWG can accommodate same day appointments and walk in referrals, (when available). Please contact our office for more information.
Do your clinicians provide medication management?
IWG does not directly provide medication management. We do have close partnerships with a number of private providers who may be options for our clients. Clients will need to speak with their clinician in order to make the referral.
Does your practice conduct testing appointments for children?
IWG does not provide testing appointments for children or adults at this juncture.
What mental disorders do you treat?
IWG provides services for most disorders except acute and {actively} psychotic disorders and active substance abuse disorders. Please contact the office for more information regarding the specialty and treatment approaches of our clinicians.
Do you accept referrals from individuals on behalf of someone else?
Yes, if the individual referring services is a legal proxy or guardian for the client, (and the client gives consent).
Does your office approve pets as support animals? Can I bring my support animal to my appointment?
Yes, but please notify the office prior to the appointment.
Does your office see clients without insurance? Is there a sliding scale?
Yes, IWG employs a sliding fee scale for clients who do not have insurance.
Can I request a specific clinician?
Yes, please contact the office to confirm the clinician’s availability.
What are the credentials of your clinicians?
Does your practice have culturally competent clinicians?
Yes, IWG prioritizes diverse and culturally competent clinicians.
Do you see Medicare clients?
No, at this time IWG is not accepting Medicare.
Does your practice conduct psychological assessments or evaluations?
No, IWG does not offer psychological assessments or evaluations.